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Launch of the “Statistics Paper Series”

9 April 2013

The European Central Bank (ECB) is launching the publication of a Statistics Paper Series today. The objective of this series is to inform the international statistics community and to help it improve methodological standards, ultimately leading to more comparable and higher quality statistics from all economic areas and countries. The Statistics Paper Series will cover both methodological and conceptual issues related to central banking statistics, new statistical topics and techniques.

The primary target audience is the international statistics community, as well as professional users of statistics, such as economists, financial analysts, researchers and large data redistributors with an interest in the methodological and conceptual issues of statistics.

The majority of the contributors to the Statistics Paper Series will be statisticians from within the ECB, as along with statisticians from the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and other organisations that contribute to the ECB’s activities in the field of statistics. All authors will publish under their own name.

The first two papers in the series, published today by the ECB, are “The Eurosystem Household Finance and Consumption Survey – Methodological report” and “The Eurosystem Household Finance and Consumption Survey – Results from the first wave”.

The statistics paper series will be released online on the ECB’s website, together with the associated statistics, which readers can reuse easily and free of charge.


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