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T2 documents and links

Shared features

A number of components are shared across the TARGET Services. This page offers a single point of access to information about the TARGET Services Common components and other shared features.

Shared documentation

T2 Documentation 

T2 Production Problems
T2 Change Requests
T2 releases: content, main milestones and documentation
T2 Release R2025.NOV
T2 Release R2025.JUN
T2 Release R2024.NOV
T2 Release R2024.JUN
T2 Release R2023.NOV
T2 Release R2023.JUN
Technical/ functional/ legal documents

Documents related to shared features of the TARGET Services (e.g. ESMIG, CRDM, BILL) are provided in the dedicated webpage Shared documentation – For professional use.

T2 User Requirements Document (URD)
T2 User Detailed Functional Specifications (UDFS)
T2 User Handbooks (UHB)
T2 Connectivity

Note: Please refer to the Shared documentation – For professional use for ESMIG documentation.

Legal Documents

Note: please refer to the TARGET Guideline.

T2 Contact Group documentation
T2 Participation/Registration
T2 Knowledge-based repository
T2 testing

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