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Minimum reserves


The ECB requires credit institutions established in the euro area to hold deposits on accounts with their national central bank. These are called "minimum" or "required" reserves (MRR).


List of institutions subject to the Eurosystem’s minimum reserve requirements (monthly data)

The dataset below is published on a monthly basis and includes credit institutions that are subject to the Eurosystem’s minimum reserve requirements.

If, following a monthly update, attributes are missing from the data for any of the institutions, these missing attributes can later be obtained in the daily list of MFIs (if the credit institution is an MFI) or in the next monthly update.

For any queries, please contact eligible-assets.hotline@ecb.europa.eu.

Reserve maintenance statistics (EUR millions) and remuneration and penalty rates
Reserve maintenance period start: 2024-10-23
Reserve maintenance period end: 2024-12-17
Average reserve requirements (EUR millions): 163,232
Excess Reserves: 4,905
Deficiencies: 0
Current account holdings: 168,136
Remuneration rate: 0%
Penalty rate for deficiencies: 6.15%

Todas as páginas desta secção

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