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Euro Cyber Resilience Board for pan-European Financial Infrastructures

The Euro Cyber Resilience Board for pan-European Financial Infrastructures (ECRB) is a forum for strategic discussions between financial market infrastructures. Its objectives are to:

  • raise awareness of the topic of cyber resilience
  • catalyse joint initiatives to develop effective solutions for the market
  • provide a place to share best practices and foster trust and collaboration

The decision to establish the Board came during a meeting on cyber resilience with high-level representatives from pan-European FMIs, their critical service providers and public authorities, held by the ECB in June 2017.

ECRB Mandate

Cyber information and intelligence sharing initiative

The ECRB launched the Cyber Information and Intelligence Sharing Initiative (CIISI-EU) on 27 February 2020. It brings together a community of public and private entities with the aim of sharing intelligence and exchanging best practices.

The core objectives of CIISI-EU are:

  • to protect the financial system by preventing, detecting and responding to cyberattacks;
  • to facilitate the sharing of information, intelligence and best practices between financial infrastructures;
  • to raise awareness of cybersecurity threats.

The CIISI-EU community is comprised of pan-European financial infrastructures, central banks (in their operational capacity), critical service providers, ENISA and EUROPOL, as represented in the ECRB. CIISI-EU is a market-driven initiative, for the market and by the market, with the ECB contributing as a catalyst.

The documents below provide an overview of CIISI-EU and the building blocks of the initiative. Other entities, communities, sectors and jurisdictions considering similar initiatives of their own may use these documents in a flexible manner that suits their own specificities.

Meetings & Roundtables

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