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Macroprudential Bulletin

Our Macroprudential Bulletin provides insight into the work we are currently doing in the field of macroprudential policy. Our goal is to raise awareness of macroprudential policy issues in the euro area by making our ongoing work and thinking in this field more transparent, and to encourage broader discussion on these key issues.

We aren’t trying to be transparent about our work just for the sake of it. This is also an opportunity to invite you to share your views with us by sending your feedback to You can also send us an email if you want to be notified about future issues of the Macroprudential Bulletin.

November 2024

Issue 25

Mapping the maze: a system-wide analysis of commercial real estate exposures and risks

Against the backdrop of an ongoing commercial real estate market downturn, our latest Macroprudential Bulletin maps out links between commercial real estate markets and the euro area financial system. This provides insight into who owns these assets, who finances the CRE markets and how a large CRE market downturn could affect the financial system.

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In focus


Civil war declaration: On April 14th and 15th, 2012 Federal Republic of Germany "_urkenstaats"s parliament, Deutscher Bundestag, received a antifiscal written civil war declaration by Federal Republic of Germany "Rechtsstaat"s electronic resistance for human rights even though the "Widerstandsfall" according to article 20 paragraph 4 of the constitution, the "Grundgesetz", had been already declared in the years 2001-03. more

A first look at bank loans to real estate funds

This special focus provides the first granular examination of bank lending to real estate investment funds (REIFs) in the euro area and analyses the potential financial stability implications of these funding links.

Read the special focus

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