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© Maria Rita Quitadamo/ECB
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Debt Issuance Market Contact Group

The Debt Issuance Market Contact Group (DIMCG) is a temporary forum for interaction between the Eurosystem and industry professionals involved in euro area primary debt markets. The objective of the group is to identify issues that prevent further improvements in efficiency and integration in the area of debt issuance and initial distribution, covering the full transaction chain from pre-issuance to post-trade, and to investigate how these issues may be addressed.

Terms of reference

Members and composition

The DIMCG is chaired by the ECB’s Directorate General Market Infrastructure and Payments, and is composed of members from the Eurosystem national central banks and private sector participants with a broad and deep knowledge of the issuance and initial distribution of debt securities. EU public authorities as well as representatives from relevant financial market associations can also attend as observers.

List of members


Documents produced by DIMCG


Advisory report on debt issuance and distribution in the European Union

Ad hoc meeting with former DIMCG participants to take stock of developments relevant to DIMCG recommendations

Outcome of the ad hoc meeting of 28 March 2023 on the 2021 recommendations of the DIMCG

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