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Financial vehicle corporation statistics

Financial vehicle corporations (FVCs) are entities that handle securitisation transactions, separating payment obligations from the originator. They issue various financial instruments, including debt securities and derivatives, and own assets linked to these instruments for public or private sale.

FVCs regularly report data on their assets and liabilities. This helps us monitor the impact of securitisation, in particular regarding interactions between FVCs and monetary financial institutions (MFIs).

We use these data to compile FVC statistics, covering the aggregated balance sheet of all FVCs residing in the euro area. This, combined with data provided by MFIs involved in securitisation, provides harmonised information on the securitisation market and risk transfers.

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FVC data cover end-of-quarter outstanding amounts (i.e. stocks) and financial transactions (i.e. flows).

MFI data include information on securitisations – for example, on net transfers of securitised loans to FVCs. Data are also available on MFI holdings of debt securities issued by euro area FVCs, and MFI loans to, and deposits from, euro area FVCs.

Data on FVCs are published in the FVC dataset and updated every quarter.

Overview charts

This section includes a set of charts for quick reference and comparison by country. Charts cover FVC liabilities, loans securitised by FVCs, and FVC assets, all presented as outstanding amounts and as transactions.

Additional data breakdowns are published on the ECB Data Portal under assets and liabilities of financial vehicle corporations.

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